
It is the position of the company that persons who use, possess, transfer, sell, distribute or manufacture illegal drugs, or who abuse the use of prescription drugs or alcohol, are a negative influence on the workplace and create a safety, health and general employment risk.

Therefore, it is not permissible for any employee to:
A. Consume, sell, distribute or manufactuer illegal drugs on or off the job.
B. Be on the premises on duty or in operation of a company vehicle:
1. While in possession of alcohol, illegal drugs or drug-identified paraphernalias;
2. With alcohol or illegal drugs in one’s system (including prescription drugs obtained illegally);
3. With prescription or over-the-counter drugs in one’s system in excess of prescribed levels and/or at any level that may pose a direct threat to the health and/or safety of the employee or others;
4. While otherwise mentally or physically impaired to any degree by any other foreign substance.


It is not the policy of the company to do pre-employment testing, but management may require any employee to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test when:
1. there is reasonable suspicion of drug or alcohol involvement in violation of this policy;
2. an employee incurs or causes a work-related injury that, in sole opinion of management, is of a serious nature;
3. an employee is involved in a collision of any type while operating a company vehicle at any time, or any other vehicle while on the premises.
A test positive, adulterated or substituted sample, or refusal to submit to any such test may result in termination of employment.

© 2009 Environmental Installation Services                                               Created by Ronald Williams


Services PTY (LTD)
Company Policy